A typical day in the life of your child at Wonder Garden
Our Wonder Garden educators follow flexible routines that are created to allow your child to feel confident and safe, while learning and having fun each and every day! These routines ensure consistent and high quality education that supports your child’s learning, development and identity.
The morning, where everything and anything is possible.

As parents and children arrive at our centres, our educators are there to welcome them and help with each child transition into the day. A nutritious breakfast is served before 8:30am to kickstart the day!
Play is an important part of our morning and children spend time connecting with educators and engaging in free play before morning tea. Free play helps children build a range of skills and is a vital tool for achieving holistic development. Our educators encourage free play and ensure there are blocks of time throughout the day where children can freely engage in their own self driven play.

The mid-morning, a time to explore new ideas together

After time spent building relationships and playing freely, we have the chance for healthy morning tea together to give us lots of energy for the day. The rest of our morning is spent learning and exploring together. After morning tea, the children often participate in group learning session. Group session adds to children’s sense of belonging and typically feature educational topics such as nutrition and sustainability. Children are then invited to explore a range of engaging, interest-based activities designed to build each child’s development. These activities are carefully planned by our experienced educators and often include creative arts, music and movement, science, maths and much more!

The middle of the day, time for lunch and a well needed rest

Respectful mealtimes are an important part of our day. We often share a family style meal where educators take the opportunity connect with the children and share thoughts and ideas. This is also an opportunity for older children to practice self-help skills. Children are encouraged to serve and feed themselves with the assistance of our educators.
Following lunch, the children have the chance to rest. After a stimulating and busy morning so rest time is an important opportunity to rest physically and unwind emotionally. For the older children rest occurs in the middle of day, for younger children rest time varies depending on their needs.

The afternoon, an opportunity to learn and connect

When children wake up from their sleep or finish their rest some exciting new activities will be waiting for them. The afternoon is a time to slowly transition back into learning and play. Educators set up new educational activities that will often follow on from what has been taught that morning, to create continuity of learning.
We have some time to share afternoon tea together before the children participate in child driven play. During child driven play, children are supported to navigate their social and physical environment while learning about the world constructing their own realities.

Why Choose Wonder Garden
Your child's happiness is
our top priority
True development
that lasts
Preparation for the
challenges ahead
Educators who truly care
about your child
Creative and interactive
Diversified language
Trained education experts
Individual learning
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We are here to give your child the best possible early education and care. Book a tour at one of our centres today to see why Wonder Garden childcare is the perfect learning environment for your child.

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